Join us for a fun field day for the entire family with live music from Dalton Roberts and Jerre Haskew, and a flying Birds of Prey show by SOAR (Save Our American Raptors) with owls, hawks, an eagle, vulture and other raptors in our big field.

We'll also feature some of the most treasured performing and visual artists in Chattanooga, such as Uncle Lightning, Gilbert Walker Sewell's Jack Pine Savages Stringband, Ray Zimmerman, Marcus Ellsworth, Troy Underwood, Hara Paper, Bob Carty and Jeff Pfitzer. We'll eat fun foods, witness a contest for songwriters, enjoy the work of local artists, go on nature walks, hear spoken word artists, paint faces and decide a city-wide schools' poster contest, all cradled in the beauty of natural and historical surroundings. We want to share Audubon's unique role in the future, preserving our natural resources, history, and native plant and animal life.