The critically acclaimed group Vox Arcana is a brilliant, spirited new music trio organized by percussionist Tim Daisy and includes two mainstays from the Chicago improvised music scene: James Falzone (Allos Musica Trio, Klang) on clarinet and Fred Lonberg-Holm (Vandermark 5, Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot) on cello and electronics.
Praise for VOX ARCANA and its album Aerial Age:
“An interesting hybrid...intricate use of space, dissonance, and jagged rhythm helps launch the improvisations in an exceptional way.” - Peter Margasak, Chicago Reader
“Daisy pulls off a coup in transcending his avowed influences—not by blending them into a whole, but by allowing the clashes to resonate throughout this fine album.” - John Sharpe, All About Jazz
“Fans of intricate scripting and wild improvisation will love it.” - Alarm Magazine
“Smartly conceived and perfectly executed, Aerial Age lives up to its title, combining science and art to create streamlined, adventurous
flight.” - Neil Tesser, Chicago Jazz Music Examiner