Created by Jill Miller, Yoga Tune Up® is a head-to-toe health and fitness system combining Yoga, Calisthenics, Corrective Exercise and Body Therapy in a way that heals damaged muscle tissue, increases overall strength, and bolsters the immune system.

This Chattanooga workshop will be facilitated by Lillee Chandra, LMT, E-RYT, a nationally certified and licensed massage therapist and a certified Yoga Tune Up® (YTU) Integrated Teacher. Lillee leads the instruction for YTU anatomy courses and teacher trainings throughout the US. She has presented at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, is top assistant to Yoga Tune Up® creator Jill Miller, and is a contributing author and editor for YTU articles and training curriculum.


Yoga Tune Up® Hip Helpers
Sunday 3/4/2012, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
So many postures require the hips to be flexible and strong, repeated improper alignment can create pain and injury. This hip workshop will guide you through playful and challenging techniques that will create spaciousness in the hip joint, increase your range of movement, and show you how to align yourself with consistent precision.
Discover the path to strong supple hips with this accessible workshop that is appropriate for ALL experience levels.

Choose any of the sessions or take the whole weekend. Cost will be $50/session with an early bird discount of $10 per session if paid by February 10. 2012. Cost for the whole weekend will be $180 with a $40 early bird discount (if paid by Feb. 10).

Don't miss this opportunity for a unique yoga wellness experience. Register early! Click this link for online registration.