Wanna learn the basics of community organizing? Interested in learning how to organize a grassroots campaign in your neighborhood, in your workplace or school? Here is your chance!
Chattanooga Organized for Action and the Tennessee Immigrants and Refugee Rights Coalitionare proud to host Francisco Pacheco of the National Day Laborers Organizing Network (NDLON) and Monica Hernandez of the South East Immigrant Rights Network (SEIRN) for a Community Organizing 101 Training offered in the popular education tradition of Paulo Freire.
This will be fun, challenging popular education workshop and will cover a broad range of community organizing topics. So if you're new to organizing or just looking to brush up on what you know in a diverse and inclusive setting, then please come out and join us!
This event is FREE and open to the public, we just ask that you RSVP ahead of time by calling Chris Brooks at 423.521.0380 or by emailing us at info@chattaction.org and leaving your name, phone number and commitment to attending!