
Robby Hopkins Band

Jacob Lyda

Lauren captured America’s heart when she appeared on American Idol earlier this year and revealed her enthusiasm, humor and warmth, as well as a commanding voice with an impressive range. A record-breaking 122.4 million votes were cast for the show's finale, which garnered 29.3 million viewers, where she won 2nd place in the national contest.

Lauren's first album, "Wildflower" is result is a fitting musical portrait of the 16 year old’s personality, optimism and life experiences. There’s sauce and sentimentality, as well as an unwavering hope for the future and a belief in true love. “Wildflower is the perfect name for my first album,” she says. “I would consider myself a wildflower because wildflowers are sweet, but then they have a little bit of spunk to them – they are ‘wildflowers,’” she says. “I like to have a lot of fun and I’m really sassy."

Lauren was surrounded by love and music as she was raised in Rossville, Georgia and performed at Chattanooga’s Riverbend Festival and The American Model and Talent Competition in Orlando throughout her childhood. We are honored to welcome her back to the Scenic City to showcase her talent on the Track29 stage.

Track29 is proud to host US-101's "Christmas for Kids" all-ages concert. All ticket proceeds will benefit the Forgotten Child Fund. Please visit www.forgottenchildfund.com for more information on the organization.