From the NYC General Assembly:
Through a direct democratic process, we have come together as individuals and crafted these principles of solidarity, which are points of unity that include but are not limited to:
Engaging in direct and transparent participatory democracy;
Exercising personal and collective responsibility;
Recognizing individuals’ inherent privilege and the influence it has on all interactions;
Empowering one another against all forms of oppression;
Redefining how labor is valued;
The sanctity of individual privacy;
The belief that education is human right; and
Endeavoring to practice and support wide application of open source.
We are daring to imagine a new socio-political and economic alternative that offers greater possibility of equality. We are consolidating the other proposed principles of solidarity, after which demands will follow.
This is an interest meeting. No agenda has been made or set. We will meet and discuss who we are, what we want, and how we will get it. We will use consensus decision making practices. This is a leaderless movement, all voices will be heard and all decisions will be made together as a collective.
Photo by Carwil Bjork-James