World Renowned Designer Kaffe Fassett comes to Chattanooga for this inspirational Slideshow and Talk, kicking off a week of workshops about using color in design. For more than 40 years, Kaffe has taught his workshop and slideshow series around the world. His books on design have sold in the millions. Victoria and Albert Museum’s one man show for Kaffe broke attendance records. Kaffe’s quilts, needlepoints, paintings, knitwear, and mosaics are collected internationally. This evening event will be preceded by a one day workshop, “Kaffe’s Color Method,” taught by Erin Lee Gafill, California artist and Kaffe’s niece. One-day and two-day Color in Design workshops take place October 19, 20 and October 24. 25 in Chattanooga for artists and craftspeople of all skill levels and mediums.