What is moxabustion? Local acupuncturist, Terry Jeanne, is more than glad to tell you. On Sunday, October 2, Jeanne will be holding an Oriental Medicine booth as part of the Culture Fest, held at the Chattanooga Market.
Focusing on the ancient practices of Chinese medicine like tongue diagnosis, Jeanne will be hosting activities and demonstrations for both adults and kids. This will be her second year of participating in the festival.
“The Culture Fest has been a fun way for me to plug into the community share the origins of my profession” said Jeanne “I love that even though acupuncture has come a long way since its beginnings, it still continues to be about our natural healing capabilities.”
Jeanne, a licensed acupuncturist with ten years of experience moved to Chattanooga in 2006 and joined the city’s first and only Mind-Body Medicine Center. Working alongside local figures like Kerry D Friesen and MD and author Jan Silvious, Jeanne has represented acupuncture as one of the center’s four disciplines. “I’m so excited to be a part of the new changes and developments that Chattanooga has experienced in the last five years” said Jeanne, ‘Acupuncture fits so well in that progress and I’m honored to be able to settle my practice here.”
The booth will be open from 11 am to 4 pm and is exclusive to the Culture Fest, sponsored by the Arts and Education Council.
For questions or more information regarding acupuncture, feel free to email Terry Jeanne MSOM, L Ac. at: chattanoogaacupuncture@gmail.com or go to: terryjeanne.com.