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Sat. Aug 27th, 2011
11:30am – 2pm
Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, Clay Bennett, will be our Keynote Speaker. Come out for laughter and friendship.
Tickets are $30. Tables of ten for $300, $400 and $500. Send checks made out to GCDWC. Sandy Lusk 212 North Palisades Drive. Signal Mountain, TN 37377
Choice of Grilled pork chop or Vegetarian dinner. Call Sandy at 886-3660 or email; Charline Kilpatrick 698-5433 for more information.
Reservations by August 20th, please. 886-3660 or answer right here and we will contact you.
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Chattanooga Bridge is lovingly maintained by a small group of Chattanoogans who want to connect locals and tourists to all that our city has to offer.
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