Signature speaker: Perla Trevizo from the Chattanooga Times Free Press
Panel members: Terry Olsen, immigration attorney with Olsen Law Firm; Ed Canler, Textile Rubber and Chemical Co./Cuban immigrant; Velvet Hernandez-Johnson, Unum/Guatemalan immigrant; and Melody Bonilla, La Paz Chattanooga.


As a part of a new awareness campaign, La Paz will host a Latino Awareness Series comprised of quarterly, two-hour luncheon workshops at which featured speakers will address the public on topics deemed by the public as “the most important and pressing” in the Chattanooga Latino community.

In June La Paz was awarded a grant from the Lyndhurst Foundation to launch an awareness campaign in Chattanooga. With the recent implementation of the Chamber of Commerce’s International Council, for example, it is evident that there is a notable need for the recognition, collaboration, networking and partnering of the immigrant community living and working in Chattanooga, specifically the Latino professional community. In addition, the results of a survey given to participants of La Paz’s current networking luncheons indicated that there was interest in learning more about the local Latino population, including their needs, demographics, current situations, immigration issues, business presence, etc.

“La Paz receives calls daily from businesses and organizations seeking information on how to reach the Latino community,” said Stacy Johnson, Executive Director of La Paz Chattanooga. “We want to educate Chattanooga on prominent issues related to the Latino community, which is the fastest-growing segment of the population.” Through the luncheon workshops, businesses and individuals will learn how to be best prepared and equipped to adequately work with and interact with the Latino community. Topics to be addressed were chosen by the public and include: Immigration; Latinos and Health Care; How to Market to Latinos; and Education and the Latino Youth.

The first workshop will be held on August 8 at the United Way Community Room. The topic to be addressed will be Immigration. Perla Trevizo from the Chattanooga Times Free Press will be the signature speaker. Lunch and networking will take place from 11am to 11:30am with the workshop following from 11:30 to 1pm. This event is open to the public and costs $10.

For more information contact La Paz at 423.624.8414.