The tenth installment of the MANIFEST arts showcase will feature DJ Flannel Boy and The Hearts in Light, two of the Scenic City’s most unique talents, on August 19th at The Camp House (1427 Williams St.).
DJ Flannel Boy is one of the most eclectic and well-versed djs in Chattanooga. This year alone, he has been the in-house dj for February’s MANIFEST: Love & Other Struggles Poetry Show and the Tunes for Tonya Benefit at Rhythm & Brews in January. He specializes in electro, breakbeat, and other dance–oriented genres and also has a wide variety of mixes which can be found online.
Headlining the night will be The Hearts in Light, who are an electro-pop/rock band. They released their debut album Summer Hearts and Dolphin Death Dreams earlier this year. Since the release of their record, they have played a steady number of gigs, including a recent spot during the New Dischord Festival. Their live show, which is very visually ambitious, utilizes a number of elements audiences have to see to believe.
General admission for the show is $8. Doors open at 8 and the show will start at 9. Donations will be accepted for the Children’sAdvocacy Center as well. For more information on MANIFEST, Christian J. Collier can be reached at