Chris Daly, Director of Technology Development and Transfer for the Enterprise Center, and past President of the JFK Club, will discuss Technology and Community Transformation.
The restaurant is owned by Democrats Mike and Cherita Adams and is in the same building as the Hamilton County Democratic Party headquarters. There will be a buffet luncheon, and vegetarian dishes will be available upon request. The cost remains $11.00, including tax and tip.**
Please respond by noon Saturday, July 9th., giving your name and the number of reservations requested.
Please forward this message to others who might be interested in attending.
*Parking is free on Main Street. Other alternatives to consider include lots at the corner of W. Main and Williams Streets and in front of Battle Academy on Long St. at 16th. St. The Choo Choo is close by on Market St., so riding the free CARTA Downtown Electric Shuttle is also an option for some.
**Please be aware that the JFK Club will be responsible for the cost of reservations made at your request.