Walk With Me: A Meditative Dance for Peace
Several professional dance artists from the Chattanooga area will perform a site-specific dance entitled, Walk With Me: A Meditative Dance for Peace, on the Walnut Street Bridge on Sunday, May 1 at 4:00 pm. The dance derives from a unity-themed walking pattern directed by Ann Law of Barking Legs Theatre. This piece evolves into a full-bodied improvisation dedicated as a peace offering to those who have suffered from recent global tragedies such as the tsunami. Dancers will start on the Bluff View side of the bridge and will share their dance across its entire length, ending on the Market Street side. The public is encouraged to watch, photograph and video this event. It is the dancers' hope that this piece will live on through various media and that these gestures of hope, peace and restoration will reach beyond our local community.
Suzanna Alexander will open the dance with spoken word, and afterward there will be a reception in the peace grove in Coolidge Park. Participants in this piece come from the Making Dances course offered through continuing education at Chattanooga State.