Home Matters, a talk show hosted by Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise, will make its debut on WNOO Glory 1260 AM on Monday, April 11.

The 30-minute show, airing each Monday at 9 am, will provide tips and lively discussion on everything relating to the single largest investment of a lifetime, the home.

CNE Homeownership Manager, Jeremy Fitzsimmons, and Homeownership Advisor, Dee Flowers, will co-host the 30-minute talk show.

With more than 30 years combined mortgage experience, Fitzsimmons and Flowers will engage, entertain and educate listeners, who will be encouraged to call in with their questions.

Listeners can tune into Home Matters at 9 am on Mondays on WNOO, Glory 1260 AM, beginning April 11. For more information about CNE and Home Matters, visit www.cneinc.org or contact Jeremy Fitzsimmons at 423.756.6243.