The Chattanooga Nature Center, Reflection Riding Arboretum & Botanical Garden, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and the Tennessee Aquarium are joining forces to host the fourth annual BioBlitz in Chattanooga. This event is held in many cities across the nation. Chattanooga is one of the first cities in Tennessee to participate. A BioBlitz is part contest, part festival, part educational event, and part scientific endeavor. The Chattanooga BioBlitz brings together scientists and other nature-oriented organizations from across the region in a race against time to see how many species can be counted in a 24-hour biological survey of CNC and Reflection Riding. The public also participates by observing the scientists at work, interacting with them, and participating in educational activities provided by local nature-oriented organizations. The children and adults of our community gain many benefits from this event:
- Greater understanding of scientists’ work in the field
- Appreciation for the rich biodiversity of our region
- Greater knowledge of the interdependence of flora and fauna in our local ecosystem
- Awareness of human impact on the land and how we can lessen its negative effects