It's that time of year to prepare for Praise University 2011. Last year we hosted the Praise University College Choir Concert which featured 5 choirs from 3 different states. This year we are proud to announce that Praise University will be a 2 day event!!!!
Join us Saturday for the college choir concert featuring over 6 college choirs, and other special guests. Saturday April16,2011
Doors open at 6 pm
Then join us again sunday morning for our first ever "College Sunday" on Sunday morning we invite all college students, greek organizations, and alumni to pullout their college gear and show their school pride. This will service will feature ordained praise, LH Mason Singers of UT Chattanooga, and a dynamic word from pastor Roderick Ware. ********Free meal for all college students on Sunday morning*********
********Shuttle buses leaving from campus for all events********.