June 14, 2011 11:00 pm The Tennessee Lottery Stage
Starting his career on July 7th, 2007, with very little experience, DJ COOKIE has always loved music. However, it wasn't always Christian music. Before actively seeking Christ, he would listen to many mainstream / secular artists ranging from Jay-Z, Ludacris, and 50 Cent, to Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, and George Strait as well as every genre and artist in between.
It wasn't until 2005 that DJ COOKIE (Troy Cooke) was even introduced to Christian music. Understanding that music does not affect a person's salvation, he questioned at first the need to listen to Christian music exclusively. Until, he started hearing music that had the sound and feel of the previous artists. It was then that his focus changed from why? to why not? If the beats are hot, if the song is melodic, then what's the difference?
After finding more and more music that he could connect to, his daily musical content went from mostly secular, to half and half, and finally to non-stop Christian music. After 4+ years of non-stop Christian music, he will tell you that his life is forever changed as the music continues to uplift, encourage, and challenge his daily walk with Christ.