After moving to Colorado in 2003, Kort's music took a decidedly more country/bluegrass turn and dug deeper into the roots of his Scotch-Irish heritage. In 2007, he released his sixth CD, "Lickskillet Road," featuring appearances from Vince Gill, Sally Van Meter, Don Conoscenti and more. In 2008, he was back in the mixing booth putting the finishing touches on a live DVD, captured at the famed Boulder Theater. Last year, he released two equally defining CD's, Moors & McCumber, a collaborative effort with Wisconsin songwriter James Moors, and the critically acclaimed Ain't The Same As Before: Like the title suggests, this latest effort literally "ain't the same as before". Less country, more gritty; less acoustic, more electric; less tentative and more confident; this CD puts Kort into a broader category of Americana, with an increased social and musical consciousness.

Whether it's been ten years of evolution or ten seconds of revolution it really doesn't matter. What does matter is that Kort continues to search for, find and share new music - music that ventures beyond good and into the realm of great. They say an expert is anyone who comes from more than 50 miles away and carries a brief case. About 300 nights a year, that's Kort! His brief case is a motor home filled with guitars, banjos, mandolin, bouzouki, harmonicas and a plethora of great original tunes. Night after night, Kort weaves a rich and diverse tapestry of musical experience, skill and energy into each and every show. The live experience is a must for any and every fan of on-the-road Americana.


James Moors knows the exact moment he became a songwriter. When his brother disappeared in the mountains of Montana, James went to look for him, fatefully in vain. Epiphanies are frequently sparked by difficult and painful realities. In the darkest moments, through grace or providence or maybe just gut-checking self-reflection, a light sneaks through. James didn't find what he was looking for. What he did find was himself, a reason to live, a strategy for living better, a calling.

Fifteen years, 6 CD's, 1000's of live shows, one name change, and too many miles down too many roads later, James is the answer to that call, the consummate singer-songwriter. It's been a circuitous route, musically and otherwise, but he's stayed the course writing, singing, playing and working on music. That was the pact he made with his brother and that is the life that James lives today.