The Straight Street Car and Bike Club and the East Chattanooga Community Center are hosting a day for teens on Saturday, April 2, at 10 a.m.

This will be a all day event to "try and show our kids a different way of life."

WAS Construction will be there to tell about a career in construction and police officers will be there to tell about their careers.

There will be a Zumba instructor for the girls to give them a workout and talk to them about eating healthy and exercising. There will be a fitness coach for the boys that trained for a professional team to tell them about health and exercising and his career.

Ex-gang members will talk to the youth about gangs and the harm they cause and to have a life without them.

The girls will have someone to talk to them about not having sex and cherishing their bodies.

Kids that bring permission forms will be able to ride on motorcycles. There will be show cars to view and playing the centers team in a game of basketball. All money raised on the basketball game will be donated to the center for the kids.