Focus of the Seminar will be:

How T’ai Ji eases arthritis pain and a specific T’ai Ji exercise that produce this healing!

How T’ai Ji improves balance and reduces the risks of falling by 55%. You will learn the mechanics of T’ai Ji movement, standing and even in a chair.

How T’ai Ji brings relaxation to the muscles, tendons & joints, easing pain in the body. T’ai Ji exercises to bring a full, more natural breath will be learned.

Free T’ai Ji Class for your residents, by participating, you will receive a free T’ai Ji Class for your residents that will also reinforce your learning. Contact me to schedule a great, free T’ai Ji exercise class for your group.

Also there will be healthy snacks and refreshments for your enjoyment with practice material to take back to your residents & staff.

$30.00 register in advance/$40.00 at door

To Register: Contact me by phone or email at 423-821-8947 or

Ask about Company Group Rates (3 or more attending)

If you can not make it, I can bring this seminar to your location, contact me for details.