On MARCH 15, students from Girls Preparatory School will bring today’s abolition movement to Chattanooga as part of International Justice Mission’s nationwide advocacy campaign on behalf of the world’s 27 million slaves. International Justice Mission (IJM) is a D.C.-based human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression in 13 countries in the developing world.
To raise awareness of the crisis of modern-day slavery, the students will host a public screening of At the End of Slavery, a powerful new 30-minute documentary produced by IJM that takes viewers into the dark and dangerous underworld of human trafficking, bringing into the light the reality of modern-day slavery – and solutions to end this trade for good.
The Chattanooga event is just one in a nationwide movement to educate communities on the reality of modern-day slavery and mobilize a response to this abuse by advocating for the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act – a bill soon to be introduced in the U.S. congress that would authorize funding to protect the world’s most vulnerable children from slavery. Thousands of people across the nation have viewed At the End of Slavery, participated in discussion groups and written their senators and representatives with one goal: the global abolition of modern-day slavery.
“Throughout history the United States has seen hundreds of victories over slavery and other form of injustice – the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, passage of child labor laws, women’s right to vote, and lots more. The students organizing this event recognize that it’s their turn to do something. We can end modern-day slavery if we all work together” says Jency Shirai, IJM Justice Advocate working with the GPS students.
At the End of Slavery includes first-person testimony from former slaves and undercover footage from police operations to rescue children from brothels. Law enforcement success in finding and rescuing victims, and prosecuting perpetrators demonstrates the real possibility of ending the global trade in human beings. The film features narration by Danny Glover and music by Johnny Cash and Moby, first-person interviews with freed slaves and interviews with leading abolitionists and human rights experts.
Along with viewing At the End of Slavery, the event will include a short presentation on the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, an opportunity to tell your senators and representative of your support of the bill, and a dessert reception to benefit the work of IJM.
For media inquires on the event, please contact:
Jency Shirai, IJM Justice Advocate, jencyf@gmail.com or 423-304-2446
For media inquires on At the End of Slavery or International Justice Mission’s work, please contact:
Amy Roth, Director of Media Relations
International Justice Mission
media@ijm.org; 703-465-5495