Instructor: Ann Law
Tuesdays 5:30–6:45pm
February 8-April 12, 2011 Every Tuesday for 10 weeks
Through Continuing Education at Chattanooga State (697-3100 for registration)

If you are currently in the process of making a dance or have done so in the past, no matter what style of dance, this class is for you! Ann Law, instructor of Making Dances, has been making dances for many years and has a unique teaching approach that enhances all aspects of the dance artist. This course is designed to strengthen your
dancing voice, create new ways of making dances, engage in the collaborative process, and reflect on the things in life that bring us together! Performance opportunities
will also be created for those wanting to share their work with an audience. Making Dances is the perfect way to advocate for change, both personally and socially.