Looking for a weekend of spiritual refreshment with solid Biblical teaching? Join world-renown Bible study teacher and lecturer, Kay Arthur and Precept Ministries International’s staff of women leaders for the ministry’s 2011 Spring Women’s Conference. As the featured speaker, Kay, will give main session lectures while break out sessions will allow attendees to dig deeper in God’s Word with like-minded women from across the nation. This is a conference like none other, with an intimate setting and opportunities to interact one-on-one with Kay and Precept’s staff.
The conference will be held April 8-10, 2011, at the ministry’s headquarters in Chattanooga, located at 7324 Noah Reid Road. Women are sure to enjoy this weekend full of fellowship, Inductive Bible Study, prayer, and laughter as their lives are transformed to reflect the Lord. Each woman will walk away having learned how to Discover Truth for Yourself and apply that Truth as a guide in living a life that pleases God.
For more information or to register, visit www.precept.org or call Precept at 888-678-5660.