“Battle Ready Women” will be the theme of the 2010 Ladies Luncheon presented by Prison Prevention Ministries and will be held at the Chattanooga Choo Choo, Roosevelt Room on Thursday on November 11th at 11:45 am until 1 pm. Reba Bowman, Author of several books including “Battle Ready Moms Raising Battle Ready Kids,” and Founder and Director of Dare for More Ministries will be the main speaker. A mini-fashion show will be presented by Go Fish Clothing and Jewelry. Several door prizes will be awarded. The sponsor for this event is Luken Holdings. Doors open at 11:30 am. Tickets are $16 if paid by check or $17.50 by credit card. Reservations are required by Monday, November 8th. Please contact Kathy Potter for reservations at kathyp@prisonprevention.org or by calling 423-622-5768.