National award-winning songwriter Cosy Sheridan has been performing her one-woman show, The Pomegranate Seed, across the country, delighting audiences with her distinctive take on the media's message about women's bodies, and her modern-day retelling of the greek myth of Persephone's journey to the underworld.

Audiences call the show affirming; after seeing the show one woman was overheard saying, "Every woman in America should see this."

The Pomegranate Seed (An Exploration of Appetite, Body-Image and Myth in Modern Culture) is a two-act narrative of songs and monologue chronicling one woman's journey into the symbolic underworld and her emergence as a more vibrant and empowered woman.

In framing one woman's life mythically as she moves into enlightenment, The Pomegranate Seed is a story of finding meaning in life's experiences. The first act weaves together humor and music in an exploration of messages from the media, from cultural icons and family. From Barbie dolls to fad diets, from Eve and her apple, to the tragi-comedy of bathingsuit shopping, Cosy as Everywoman comes to grips with her body, her self-image and all that it implies, finding a way to joyfully inhabit her own body.

The second act parallels the Greek myth of Persephone, who was abducted to the underworld and forced to eat the food of the dead, the pomegranate seed. This modern Persephone, who falls in love with a biker named Hades, learns how to turn the food of the dead into the seed of her own rebirth.