FOR Students Grades 7-12, DECEMBER 3-5, 2010


Age: Students Grades 7-12 (must be age 12 by date of conference)

“God’s Word is full of prophecy about the last days, the coming of Christ, and warnings about the end times. Do those prophecies scare or excite you??? “ This is the question posed to students grades 7-12 during a weekend conference presented by Transform Student Ministries, the generational equipping of Precept Ministries International.

Ritchie Johnson, Transform Student Ministries Director, will be the main speaker. The conference will be held December 3-5 at the ministry’s headquarters in Chattanooga, located at 7324 Noah Reid Road.

The conference will use Precept’s Inductive Bible Study Method to bring student participants into a direct engagement with Scripture. Using several chapters of the book 2 Peter, students will learn what God has to say about the end times. Transform Student Ministries’ conference is the only one that puts middle and high school students into the Bible for themselves where they search God’s Word for real answers to real problems.