“You should download a few ditties from the dandies, Lord T & Eloise, the world’s first purveyors of Aristocrunk.”
-VH1’s Best Week Ever

“Brilliantly tongue-in-cheek…evoke a flow that draws comparisons to License to Ill-era Beastie Boys..."
- The Memphis Flyer (feature Article)

“No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t hate it…as good, if not better than most of the rap I hear these days…polished, unique, and catchy as hell…funny, relevant, and original.”
- The San Francisco Bay Guardian

“Amazing. Simply amazing.”
- The Chattanooga Pulse

"These guys could kill the college scene. And as far as the street side goes—with songs and tracks that sound this good—they'll just have to accept 'em."
- Al Kapone, the King of Crunk

“Grade A…a confident, impressive record…the hip-hop equivalent of Jack Black's and Kyle Gass' heavy-metal comedy band Tenacious D.”
- The Memphis Flyer (record review)

- The Commercial Appeal