Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy, Tennessees first all girls public charter school, is accepting applications for the 2010-2011 school year for the following instructional positions in its middle school (grades 6 and 7) and high school (grades 9 and 10):
Language Arts/English; Math; Science; Social Studies/History; Computer Technology; Foreign Language (Latin/Spanish); Visual Arts and Performing Arts; Exceptional Education; Physical Education/Wellness; Educational Technology Integrationist; Reading Specialist
School officials will host teacher recruitment forums for individuals interested in applying for one of these positions on Thursday, April 15 from 5:00 pm 6:30 pm and Saturday, April 17 from 9:30 am 11 am. The information sessions will be held at the school located at 1200 Grove Street.
To register, please send an email including your name and phone number to email address provided. The deadline to register is Tuesday, April 13.
For more information about the Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy, call (423) 702-7230 ext. 5741 or visit