"You should download a few ditties from the dandies, Lord T & Eloise, the world’s first purveyors of Aristocrunk."-VH1’s BEST WEEK EVER; "Immensely clever." -SPIN MAGAZINE; "Better than most of the rap I hear these days…polished, unique, and catchy as hell…funny, relevant, and original." - THE SAN FRANSISCO BAY GUARDIAN; "Editor's Pick" - BLENDER MAGAZINE; "A new genre of music." - GIANT MAGAZINE; "An intoxicating spectacle." - THE NASHVILLE SCENE; “The most 'out there' band I've ever played with...." - MICKEY AVALON; "The industry needs performers like this." - AL KAPONE; "...a heavy dose of satire..." - RADAR MAGAZINE; "Their flow is seriously strong." -THE BOSTON GLOBE; “Memphis' most unique musical export." - THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL; "Wow." - ELLEN DEGENERES; "This was perfect for the Grammy's. Thank God somebody put on a show. I love it! Love it!" -E! FASHION POLICE

Photo via myspace.com/lordtandeloise.