As ringleader of the souths most enduring rock n roll forces Cameron sees his job as ship captain. "It is my job to read the audience and guide the performance accordingly. Sometimes I crash into the rocks but sometimes I pilot us into safe harbor. Regardless its always an interesting trip.

Son of a high school math teacher and Baptist preacher Cameron's upbringing was pretty much normal. "I'm sorry to say that I don't have any of the strife and misery that apparently make a good artist. I'm just a normal guy." His music career started in the 5th grade while singing the Wah Bash Cannon Ball to a roomfull of uninterested grade school children. Soon he went on to be a part of the rock n roll duo Yo Yo and Little Yo Yo the Clown. "We toured the state of Kentucky bringing the rock to the kids. We dressed up as clowns as an attempt to tap into the whole KISS thing that was happening. You've never seen people going crasy like that! We were a father and son duo busting out the vintage Elvis and Little Richard tunes stopping occassionaly to put our foam noses back on." Soon the duo had to shed there clown image and go straight, but the gigs kept rolling in. "That was when I used to do a little break dancing during the show. I'd have dad put on a tape and I'd break dance. The kids back at school called me the Micro Wave. A pair of parachute pants and a Japanese symbol shirt and I was totally legit. Moonwalking? I taught Michael Jackson how to Moonwalk. Actually I learned how to Moonwalk during 10th grade english class. In retrospect it wasn't a bad thing. I can't remember a thing about english class but can still Moonwalk."It is said that some of his stage persona may be as a result of his trying to forget his days as a singing telegram delivery boy. "Putting on the Super Stud costume is perhaps the most embarassing moment in my life. Fortunately it makes the other guys laugh a lot."

Unlike many musicians Cameron doesn't feel the need to change the world. "Thats what we have politics for. I am here to entertain, and hopefully get paid at the same time."

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