Have you ever wondered…Why am I here? What am I doing? God has placed you here—and now—for a purpose. Learn to understand God’s purpose for your life and how you can live a life of clear direction with true meaning at Precept Ministries’ 2010 Spring Women’s Conference. This will be a very special conference, as we celebrate Precept’s 40th Anniversary. It will be a celebration of God’s Word and God’s Son who has called us according to His purposes.

Women will spend the weekend in an intimate setting with Kay Arthur, Precept’s teaching staff and other women searching for the same answers. The conference will be held April 16-18, 2010, at the ministry’s headquarters in Chattanooga, located at 7324 Noah Reid Road. Women are sure to enjoy this weekend full of fellowship, Inductive Bible Study, prayer, and laughter as their lives are transformed to reflect the Lord. Each woman will walk away having learned how to Discover Truth for Yourself and apply that Truth as a guide in living a life that pleases our Holy God.

For more information or to register, call Precept at 888-678-5660.