This moving docudrama focuses on the small Western town of Laramie following the aftermath of the brutal beating and murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard. Shepard's death "focused worldwide attention on hate" as well as worldwide attention on Laramie, Wyoming.

The play is directed by Garry Lee Posey (a former friend of Matthew Shepard) and features Becki Jordan, Stephanie Smith, E'tienne Easley, Amy Sue Austin, Joey Tipton, Jonathan Nichols, John Thomas Cecil, Randal Fosse as well as Posey himself. Each member of the ensemble portrays multiple characters associated with the Matthew Shepard incident and the residents of Laramie and the surrounding communities.

Dates and times:

  • Friday October 16th at 7:30pm
  • Saturday October 17th at 3:30pm
  • Sunday October 18th at 3:30pm and 7:30pm