CreateHere and The Shaking Ray Levi Society are pleased as punch to present two nights of improvised shamanic energy featuring Arrington de Dionyso and The Shaking Ray Levis, October 7th and 8th.

Start the good times with a workshop series on October 7. De Dionyso will present “Unleashing the Voice in Creative Music: From Raw Expression to Refined Technique”; a workshop exploring the voice as an instrument of the body and soul, where participants gain awareness of multiphonic vocal techniques with an emphasis on Tuvan throat singing.

At the same time, The Shaking Ray Levis will be conducting their own “Ol’ TIme Avant-Garde Workout”, a physical and cognitive workout, where participants create a sonic vocabulary with their own instrument of choice (or the provided drums and percussion instruments). Space is limited, and the workshops come at a small $20 fee.

On October 8, CreateHere and the SRLS will also present a live performance by de Dionsyo and the Shaking Rays. No way you say? Yes way! But we’ve also got a little something extra planned for you good people: workshop participants will become performers. It’s like watching a moth change into a butterfly.

If all of this sounds too good to be true, well it kind of is, but we’re excited to make it happen all the same. The performance will take place at CreateHere’s 55Here Studio (55 E Main Street, Chattanooga, TN 37408) and is free to the public.

Interested in participating in the workshop? Shoot an email to and tell us which workshop you’d like to attend, vocal or instrumental.