Kimberly Dawn Clayton, originally from Chattanooga, returns home for her first local solo show. Kim currently lives in Myrtle Beach, SC and her art reflects a life that is inspired by the coast; bold colors and brush strokes depict surfer girls, fancy fish, swaying palm trees and a flight of protective angels.
“Sweet Dreams” a One Woman Show
This event date has passed.
Thu. May 28th, 2009
6pm – 9pm
- Location
- Winder Binder Gallery of Folk Art
40 Frazier Ave.
Chattanooga, TN (Map)
- Price
- Free
- Online
- Website
- Contact
- (423) 267-3900
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Chattanooga Bridge is lovingly maintained by a small group of Chattanoogans who want to connect locals and tourists to all that our city has to offer.
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