Rhyme N Chatt is proud to bring the Spoken Word Poetry Slampoze back to Chattanooga. Admission and participation to this year's event is only a $1 donation at the door! This is one of Rhyme N Chatt's most successful community events. It is open to all ages.


* Traditional - stand and read your original poem off the page.
* Performance - recite poem from memory adding music, dance, costume, etc.
* Freestyle - think up and deliver a poem on the spot using words from the audience.

T-shirts, CDs, DVDs, books, organization membership, other prizes and CASH (if you good enough)


Keep it clean - IT’S A FAMILY SHOW (no profanity, vulgarity or offensive topics)

Register in advance and guarantee your competition spot by calling 423-544-1597 or emailing us at rhymenchattpoetry@comcast.net to request a registration form. REGISTRATION IS FREE!

There will be performances by local dance teams, and the performance poets of Rhyme N Chatt Interactive Poetry Organization.