Last Train to Nibroc is a humorous romance, set in the 1940s. It tells the story of two strangers, May and Raleigh, who meet by chance on a cross-country train and discover they are from neighboring eastern Kentucky towns.

Sparks fly as May, a goody-two-shoes teacher with aspirations of becoming a missionary, encounters Raleigh, a blunt yet charming soldier who has dreams of becoming a writer.

Can this new relationship survive misunderstandings, disappointments, and the strain of WWII?

Last Train to Nibroc is a gentle reminder that we are all traveling our trains of life and the relationships we make along the way may very well help shape the rest of our lives.


Fri. Mar. 27th @ 7:30pm
Sat. Mar. 28th @ 7:30pm
Sun. Mar. 29th @ 2:30pm
Fri. Apr. 3rd @ 7:30pm
Sat. Apr. 4th @ 7:30pm
Sun. Apr. 5th @ 2:30pm