The Choo Choo Kids are the premiere musical theatre ensemble of the Chattanooga High School Center for Creative Arts… singing/dancing/acting "triple threats" who have performed around the city and internationally.
"The Kids have been invited to perform this summer in our affiliated cities in Europe. The 10-day trip is planned, fundraising has been under way for months, but one of our major funding sources just fell through. So now we need your help or the kids will miss out on this great trip!
The total cost per student of $1,350, for a total cost of $22,950. We need to raise $7,500. Although the Center for Creative Arts is a magnet school, the school doesn't get any extra money from the Hamilton County School System. Thus costumes, scenery, props , music or trips like this must be paid for by the kids or by generous supporters.
The Kids themselves have already raised a large portion of the money needed for the trip. Now parent volunteers are mounting an emergency fundraising campaign over the next few weeks to finish paying for 17 students to represent Chattanooga at the anniversary celebration of the Sister City relationship with Hamm, Germany; and at Ascoli Piceno, Chattanooga's new "twin city" in Italy.
We are seeking corporate donations ($250, 500 or $1,000) and individual donations ($25, $50, $100)… or any amount you are able to contribute.
Please send your contribution to:
CCA - Music Theatre Dept
PO Box 1475
Hixson, TN 37343-1475
Make your check payable to CCA Music Theatre Dept, and be sure to write "Choo Choo Kids Germany" in the "reference" space at the bottom of your check. All donations ARE tax deductible.
We sincerely thank you for your help and support."
Info via