“A Few of My Favorite Things” is the title of the exhibit by photographer John Galyon, the featured artist at In-Town Gallery for January 2009. Kicking off the new year with a fresh look at photography through the eyes of this professional gives the viewer a glimpse into the life of a dedicated artist whose goal is “to share my love of photography with as many people as possible”. Come and meet Galyon at the opening reception on Friday, January 9, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
“My fascination with photography is one of my earliest memories. At age four I had much more interest in looking through countless boxes of family photographs than playing with my toys. Although I’ve been interested in the craft from childhood, and most of my life I‘ve owned some type of camera, it was not until about three years ago that I began to seriously consider photography as an expression of art.”
Encouraged by John Crosley, former API International Photo Editor, who advised him to go public because his photographs have the “it factor” - that hard-to-define quality that will equate to success - Galyon decided to pursue photography as a full-time profession. His primary camera is a Nikon D300, with a D80 and D50 as backups. “I chose Nikon because of its long recognition for producing quality equipment, because my mentor uses one, and because it’s the only camera that Paul Simon has ever mentioned in a song ( Kodachrome © ).”
Galyon performs all post-processing work using Adobe Photoshop. He has a strong commitment to using only the highest quality archival materials in the production of his photographs. He uses Epson printers and inks, on a variety of paper produced by Hahnemuhle, a German company that has made paper since the 1500s. All mounting, matting, and packaging materials are acid-free to insure that every photograph will maintain its appearance and value for many generations to come.
His favorite subjects are “the fading South” - scenes he remembers from childhood - like old barns, general stores, and the neon signs that once welcomed visitors to motels that are now long shuttered. He wonders what the present generation will consider nostalgic enough to preserve with permanent images. ”There are few genres of photography that have little or no appeal to me. I tend to most often find the ‘part’ to be more interesting than the ‘whole’, so enjoy microphotography.” Galyon finds architectural and industrial subjects offer opportunities for abstract design. At the opposite end of the spectrum, he likes to portray delicate botanical species.
Influenced by recognized masters in his field, Ansel Adams is at the top of his list, for the sheer beauty of his work, his devotion to perfection, and his many contributions to the craft. Other admired photographers are William Eugene Smith, Brett Weston, Henri Cartier Bresson, Paul Strand, Margaret Bourke-White, and Sally Mann. The architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright and the paintings of Mark Rothko are strong influences on Galyon’s work.
In-Town Gallery, founded in 1974, is considered one of the oldest cooperative art galleries in the nation. It currently showcases the original work of 32 regional artists. Located on the “hip to historical” North Shore , at 26A Frazier Avenue , between the Market Street and Walnut Street bridges, it is open 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday. The gallery is closed on Sunday, January through March. Call 423-267-9214 for information, or visit the website: www.intowngallery.com.
Info via Mary Whittle of In-Town Gallery.