The next year or two will be difficult for us, our country and our community. Economic hard times often greatly impact organizations who are doing good works for the poor, the sick, the helpless and needy, for the environment, animals, or for our society in general. These vital groups, who rely so much on the charitble help of others, find themselves shorthanded and frequently have to cut back.

We as a society have to decide to help one another, especially when it is most difficult to do so. Toward that end, come to our volunteer fair in Ft. Oglethorpe GA on January 17th, and volunteer your time with one of the many organizations we will have present.

The purpose of this fair is to match up the volunteer needs of as many organizations as possible with as many people wanting to volunteer as possible, but who may not know what's out there and how to get involved.

Will you join us? There will be NO monetary donations asked for or accepted at this fair. This is about donating your time and effort, not your money.

For additional information, please contact Tom McMahan,,
423.314.7696 or Julie Clark @

Info via Tom McMahan.