In-Town Gallery artists have gone ‘over the top’ planning their annual Holiday Open House on Friday, December 5, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. This Elegant Evening of Art is top-notch, from the top-hatted doorman to the lavish hors d’oeuvres. They are even literally ‘rolling out the red carpet’ to greet everyone. Come and meet the artists, dressed ‘to the nines’ in the spirit of the evening, who will gladly share the creative processes behind their work as they assist visitors in the selection of fine art pieces.

No stuffy affair, this event is going to light up the night and add to the holiday fun, right down to the funny money provided to spend on the fabulous artwork in the gallery. All are welcome to be as creatively or elegantly dressed as they wish - just bring a smile and the holiday spirit, and join the artists for an Elegant Evening of Art. ‘Tis the season to “Shop SmART” locally and have fun at the same time.

Twice each year, In-Town Gallery is filled with all new work from more than 30 artists in a wide variety of media. This season, the exciting selections of custom-designed jewelry, one-of-a-kind hand crafted wood tables, cabinets, boxes and vessels; historic and nostalgic images in paintings, drawings, photographs and etchings; individually formed clay and glass creations; amazing figures in hand-stitched fabrics, and masterful bronze sculptures — all represent a sound investment in the local community as well as in the original, quality work that will give lasting pleasure. Custom designs can be requested to suit individual tastes.

The credentials of In-Town artists form a legacy that is an intrinsic ingredient in their work, to be passed down from one generation to another. Every purchaser receives a printed biography of the artist whose work they acquire. When a unique artwork is chosen to honor important people on momentous occasions, it confirms its significance as an object of esteemed value. A good reason for gallery visitors to select an original piece of art for the special persons and events in their lives.

The newest elected member of the gallery, Geraldine Powell, will be introduced at the reception on December 5. She has developed an intriguing form of pottery which blends various colors into white clay which she deftly swirls into patterns that define the shape of each piece. Her highly glazed agateware pots, bowls, vases and platters are practical as well as decorative. Powell focuses on bringing a sense of movement and fluidity to her work. While she firmly controls the major design elements of a piece, she allows serendipity to rule the details. This marriage of control and chance insures that each piece is unique, never to be duplicated.

Founded in 1974, In-Town Gallery is considered one of the oldest cooperative art galleries in the nation. Located on the “hip to historical” North Shore, at 26A Frazier Avenue, between the Market Street and Walnut Street bridges, it is open every day - 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Sunday, and until 8:00 pm every First Friday. Call 423-267-9214 for information, or visit the website:

Info via Mary Whittle of In-Town Gallery.