Break out your lederhosen, sennerhut, and dirndls, it’s time for Octubafest! The UTC music department presents two events in the spirit, if not the actual traditions, of this annual festival. On October 7, the tuba and euphonium students of Dr. Kenyon Wilson present a recital at 7:30 pm in the Roland Hayes Concert Hall of the UTC Fine Arts Center. The following week, Guest Artist Kelly Thomas will present a concert of euphonium music on Tuesday, October 14, at 7:30 pm in the Roland Hayes Concert Hall. Both concerts are free of charge and open to the general public.

The music of tubas and euphoniums has long been associated with Octoberfest, the annual celebration begun by King Ludwig the First of Munich, Germany to celebrate his marriage. When one thinks of Octoberfest, images of traditionally dressed German youth waving beer steins to the sounds of an “oompah” band come to mind. Those traditional German brass instruments are relatives of our modern tubas and euphoniums and we call on this association to feature our low brass players in recital, and then welcome Guest Artist Dr. Kelly Thomas. (Disclaimer: no actual polkas will be performed, and we don’t own any lederhosen.)

Dr. Thomas is the tuba/euphonium instructor and director of pep bands at the University of Arizona. With degrees from Tennessee Tech and Arizona State University, he is a noted tuba/euphonium soloist and clinician. Dr. Kelly will present a diverse program of contemporary pieces, many of which were originally composed for other instruments but which have been adapted for performance on tuba and/or euphonium.

For further information contact the UTC Music Dept. Office, 423-425-4601.

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