"Grand Rapids indie folk masters Ben and Bruno released 100 Grim Reapers in September, a group of songs based on a character named Ben, the story of his life a long while after his abduction by a religious fanatic and how Ben's relationship with his wife and two daughters are shaped by this past impression. It's delicate folk strums layered under jaw-dropping vocal swoons. You'll love it." - Z, Butter Team

"The gentle, lulling songs of 100 Grim Reapers may appeal to fans of the softer moments of Iron and Wine, and Ben and Bruno may not immediately grab the ear with hooks or flash. Rather, they draw patient listeners in over the course of the album—a pensive and somber chapter that’s driven more by mood than by plot." - The Pulse

Info provided by JJ's Bohemia. Photo via Tim & Bruno's Music MySpace page, by Tim Lowly.