The premiere Disney Live! show produced by Feld Entertainment, Disney Live! Winnie the Pooh on Stage brings the characters of the Hundred Acre Wood to cities around the world in a charming story of friendship....This all-new touring stage production features the honeyloving Winnie the Pooh and his friends Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo and Owl, who embark on a journey of fun and surprise to discover what makes a “perfect day.” With all the characters planning a surprise party for the Winnie the Pooh, the Hundred Acre Wood is abuzz with activity.
Narrating the tale is Tracie, the storyteller who guides the audience through Disney Live! Winnie the Pooh on Stage with the help of her three amusing and eager Hunny Helpers. The Hunny Helpers provide constant humor and hijinx as they help change scenes, interact with the audience and follow Tracie’s direction throughout the story. Their wacky antics not only tickle the funny bone, but warm the heart.
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