FACES Ride 4 Smiles Event Set for May 31
Third Annual Ride Helps Kids with Craniofacial Differences
Motorcyclists and motor enthusiasts from around the Southeast should mark their calendars for the third annual Ride 4 Smiles, benefiting FACES: The National Craniofacial Association on Saturday, May 31, at Brainerd Village in Chattanooga, TN. Activities throughout the day include a bike wash, bike and car shows, vendor booths, prizes, games, and a silent auction.
FACES, which is celebrating its 39th anniversary this year, is a national organization founded and headquartered in Chattanooga, TN. The group assists children born with severe craniofacial disorders and their families by providing information, support, and financial assistance.
“The Chattanooga area motorcycle community keeps coming back to help FACES,” says FACES President Lynne Mayfield. “The bikers who help us plan Ride 4 Smiles are making sure that all of our participants have smiles on their faces, while building smiles on the faces of children who face the challenges of these difficult disorders.”
For more information on Ride 4 Smiles, call 423-266-1632 or go to www.faces-cranio.org. Click on the Ride 4 Smiles logo to register online!
Info via FACES: The National Craniofacial Association.