Poetry session and open mic platform organized by poetry, spoken word artists Rhyme N Chatt. Admission is free. For additional information, email Rhyme N Chatt at rhymenchattpoetry@comcast.net.

Rhyme N Chatt hosts free, informal, interactive poetry sessions every second and last Thursday of the month (excluding December) from 7:00 p.m. to 9 p.m.

On Thursday, April 10, 2008, Rhyme N Chatt will hold its session at Bar-B-Que and Blues (formerly Melanie's) on Brainerd Road. Free admission. Order from their food and drink menu and participate in the open mic. For more information about Bar-B-Que and Blues, visit their website at www.bar-b-queandblues.com. Thanks to owner,Greg Martin for welcoming Rhyme N Chatt to perform at his fine establishment.

Rhyme N Chatt Interactive Poetry Organization exists to provide a fun, interactive format by which poetry can be openly shared and discussed.

Founded in 1999 by Vincent Phipps of Chattanooga, RNC has grown to have a sound reputation for quality poetry for whatever the event requires. Presentations have been made in area elementary, middle and high schools as well as universities, churches and community events.

Rhyme N Chatt stands out from other poetry organizations by having an interactive format that allows poets to interact with the poets by asking questions and making positive, constructive comments. This makes for a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere where people come alone and leave with new friends.

Info via rhymenchatt.org.