The UTC Music Department presents the Trumpet Ensemble and Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble in concert on April 20, 2008 at 7:30 pm at the Roland Hayes Concert Hall in the UTC Fine Arts Center (Palmetto at Vine St.) The concert will feature each group individually and both groups combined as well as several smaller groups from within the main ensembles. The concert is open to the general public and free of admission charge.

One of the features of the evening performance will be the world premiere of “Kerfuffle,” composed by UTC faculty member Kenyon Wilson specifically for the combined ensembles. “Kerfuffle” divides the combined groups into five quartets which will distribute themselves throughout different parts of the performance space to create a “surround-sound” effect. The combined groups will also perform an arrangement of Gustav Holst’s “March” from "Suite in E-flat". Also on the program is UTC faculty member Jonathan McNair’s "New Village Dances" which was premiered by the Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble on tour in Germany in 2004.

The UTC Trumpet Ensemble is one of the newest ensembles at UTC, having been formed only two years ago. It is directed by UTC Assistant Band Director, Shane Porter. The Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble is directed by UTC Music Assistant Professor Kenyon Wilson.

For more information please contact the UTC Music Dept. at 423-425-4601.

Info via UTC Dept. of Music.