Summit Professional Education presents "Childhood Developmental Disorders Seminar" led by Dr. Gary Eisenberg, Ph.D.

Course Description:

Developmental Disorders are dramatically increasing in our society to the point that the media refers to the increase as an "epidemic." Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention, which are based on stages of brain development, are important for the best outcome. Accurate diagnosis is important to treatment planning and requires a working knowledge of childhood disorders, their presentation, differences, symptom overlap, outcomes, and the continuum of mild to severe. A range of treatment plans can be developed utilizing a multidisciplinary approach. You will learn how to prioritize treatment goals, address social skills deficits, improve reciprocal communication, techniques for attention and memory deficits and research-based program information. This seminar is designed to provide an understanding of each disorder, the relationship to brain development, methods for differential diagnosis and specific practical interventions. The course utilizes case studies and video clips. All professionals wanting a better understanding of these complicated disorders would benefit from attending the seminar.

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