The Chattanooga History Center will present "Chattanooga Rebels", at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 20th at Rock Point Books, 401 Broad Street. The facilitator will be John Fowler of Kennesaw State University. The program is free to the public, and pre-registration is required by March 17th.
Civil War historians have long used East Tennessee to demonstrate white southern support for the Union. Seven of ten white East Tennesseans who served during the war enlisted in Union regiments. Recent research has introduced a more nuanced version of the region’s Civil War story. John Fowler will tell about Hamilton County men who fought for the Confederacy and, in the process, revise popular notions about Civil War-era East Tennessee. Copies of Fowler’s book, "Mountaineers in Gray: The Nineteenth Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Regiment, C.S. A." (UT Press, 2004), will be available for purchase.
For more information, or to register, call 423-265-3247.
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