On Wednesday, March 19, artist Mark Andreas, who maintains a studio in Stamford, CT, will return to Chattanooga at the close of the Cress Gallery of Art's 21st century sculpture exhibit for an encore performance of his monumental 400 pound, hand forged steel sculptural "machine" "Seed Spreader". The performance will begin a few minutes after 5pm at the Cress Gallery of Art, UTC Fine Arts Center, located at the corner of Vine and Palmetto Streets.
Andrea's return and performance is a John and Diane Marek Visiting Artist event.
Exhibiting in the Cress:
Mark Andreas (Stamford, CT) "Transcendence" autocatalytic sculpture [dNASAb] (Brooklyn, NY) "Infosphere Aesthetics" new media sculpture Ryan Wolfe (Seattle, WA) "Field" sculptural systems"
For more information call the curator at 423-304-9789 or email ruth -grover@utc.edu.
Info via alliedartschattanooga.org. Photo via oneweb.utc.edu.