KB Ballentine will hold a book launch for her new book, Gathering Stones, at the Chattanooga Barnes and Noble (near Hamilton Place mall) on Friday, March 7, at 7:00 PM. Ballentine is a member of the Chattanooga Writers Guild and active in the poetry group.

(Text via chattanoogawritersguild.org)

Celtic Cat Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Gathering Stones, the debut collection of poems by the award-winning Irish-American writer KB Ballentine.

Stones are shaped over time … from the slow movement of ice fields to the fast flowing water of rivers and streams. Gathering Stones is a trilogy through time. In A Time to Speak, KB introduces us to the folklore that first influenced her reading and fascination with Ireland.

The second section of Gathering Stones moves away from folklore to reality as KB poignantly explores the more unsettled periods of Irish history – the struggles for freedom, the Great Famine of the nineteenth century and its legacy on America, and the more recent Troubles in Northern Ireland. For millions in Ireland, it was A Time to Die.

The concluding segment focuses on the beauty of Ireland, the Ireland that most people think of — the forty shades of green, the coastal cliffs, the narrow twisting roads, the large stone castles, the islands off the west coast, the peat fires and pubs, and the friendliness of people who love nothing better than the return of a distant family member, even if it is only a “quick wee visit.” A Time to Dance celebrates KB’s triumphant journey of self-discovery to her ancestral home.

Celtic Cat Publishing encourages you to gather your own stones as you journey with KB.

(Text via celticcatpublishing.com)